Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day

Today I want to honor my husband Matt. He is an amazing father. He has so many qualities that embody the heart of THE Father. He is raising up men and women. He is a father to the fatherless. He is willing to spend himself on behalf of children for as long as they are with us.

He loves with abandon knowing full well that someday they may be gone. He is patient and kind. He is humble and quickly asks for forgiveness when he feels he has wronged our children.

He is gentle. He is fully engaged and present with our children giving them undivided attention. He plays well. He laughs easily and is willing to be silly.

He is reassuring and strong. He provides a safe place for our children to have new experiences or process through emotions that can be scary. He is unafraid to get in the trenches of stomach viruses, dental procedures, father issues, blow out diapers, and massive fits. He is a true partner, and helpmate to me.

He gives them his all for as long as these children are here whether it be forever or a little while.

I am so blessed to have him to share this life with, to walk this road with. I know it is not just any man that would say yes to a life filled with so many abrupt hellos and good byes. A life filled with uncertainty and transition. I life filled with sleep training and toilet training over and over again. But the really beautiful thing is he doesn't just say yes, he says lets bring them home. Let's chase them on behalf of our Father. Lets take the ones that the world says are unwanted and want them. Lets take the ones that the world says are un-adoptable and call them sons and daughters. My heart is full and thankful for this man today and every day.

*Also you should know that he is a wonderful editor, but I didn't want to have him edit this post so please excuse any grammatical errors


  1. No editing needed, girl. You guys are amazing. Happy Father's Day, Matt!

  2. love this post! :)


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