
I am loved by the Father, saved by the Son, and filled with the Spirit. And on a good day I believe those things to be true. My life has been wrecked by this truth in the best possible way.  I married way up, to a fabulous man at the ripe old age of twenty. I am a twenty nine year old foster (soon to be adoptive! YAY!) mom.  I have fostered five kids in the last couple of years. I always think I am facing North. I think my hair looks better second day dirty. I love to leave and  love to come home. I used to run to gangsta rap now I run to pop music or show tunes (I think this is evidence that I am getting softer in a good way).  I am completely smitten with my son. I tend to make declarations that I am NOT going to do something then do them (ie: have more then two children, be a stay at home mom, drive a minivan). I believe faith is a choice, and that we confuse it with a feeling.I like to many food or songs to say any of them are my favorites.  I am just trying to love Jesus, and most days I am still trying to figure what that means, I guess that is what this blog is about.